
Exotic coffee slimming massage

Exotic coffee slimming massage
60 minutes: 30000HUF
75 minutes: 35500HUF
90 minutes: 40500HUF
Exotic coffee slimming massage image 1

This coffee treatment including gentle massage steps helps to stimulate detoxification, and increase lymph circulation, while reducing the appearance of cellulite. The exotic coffee aroma refreshes and awakens the senses.

Mandala Bath: http://www.en.mandaladayspabath.hu/

+36 1 491 0078

More about the theme . . .


Coffee, beside useful to eliminate the sleepiness, it has other benefits like great effects on the skin. A typical coffee massage invigorates tired muscles and provides protection from oxidation and sun exposure. By doing massage can widen blood vessels thus increasing blood flow velocity and volume. Including reducing the water retention that encourages fat and make the skin tighter. Massage has a positive effect in destroying the fat cells.


Coffee massage


When combined with the use of caffeine found in coffee, it can reduce cellulite significantly. The term cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin that some people have on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. This appearance is much more common in women than in men because of differences in the way fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed in men and women's skin. Usually occurs after the age of puberty. Coffee massage stimulate circulation and at the same time provide aromatherapy effects with their rich, deep scents. We recommend to drink a lot of pure, clean water and herbal tea to keep toxins flushing through you after the treatment.


Slimming massage


Nowadays people come to realize the importance of stress-release and of taking responsibility for promoting and maintaining their own health. Coffee massage can be a fantastic support in your well being life.


For more slimming treatments please visit the following websites :

